Slash commands are typed into the chat bar.
Messaging Commands
/t <player> <message>
Sends a private message to a player. Use "lobby" as player argument to message the lobby of the channel you're in.
Aliases: msg, say, s
Shortcut for replying to the last private message you received. Turns into "/t <last player who messaged you> " when you press Space.
/mute <player>
Prevents messages from a player from showing up in your chat window.
/listen <player>
Undoes a previous mute command.
Alias: unmute
/msglobby <message>
Sends a message to the lobby of the channel you're in. You can also do this using /t with "lobby" as player argument.
Alias: saylobby
Lobby Commands
Displays lobby statistics (player and game counts).
/makechannel <title>
Creates a new game channel.
Note: Only full version owners can use this.
Game Setup Commands
/title <title>
Change the title of the game.
Alias: name
/practice <off|on>
Prevents a game from being rated.
/minrating <rating>
Prevents players with a rating below the specified value from joining the game.
Note: You cannot set the minimum rating to higher than 8 below your own.
/full <off|on>
Requires players entering the game to either have the full version or be a newcomer (no smurfs).
/password <password>
Password protects the game. Run the command without an argument to remove a previously set password.
/enemynames <off|on>
Controls whether races on the game setup screen, and the names of enemy players in-game, are hidden; they are, by default.
/sgun <sguns>
Enable special game mode Superguns. Each player starts with sguns superguns. The number has to be between 1 and 30. Run command with value set to zero to return to normal game mode.
/football <goals>
Enable special game mode Football. The first team to score goals goals wins. Run command with value set to zero to return to normal game mode.
/ctf <captures>
Enable special game mode Capture the Flag. The first team to capture the enemy team's flag captures times wins. Run command with value set to zero to return to normal game mode.
Resource Transfer Commands
/trash <player> <amount>
Gives trash to an ally.
/gas <player> <amount>
Gives gas to an ally.
/people <player> <amount>
Gives people to an ally.
Note: You can type the arguments in any order.
Miscellaneous Commands
/stats <player>
Displays a player's statistics (wins, losses, disconnects and rating).
/smurf <player>
Displays a player's other accounts.
Note: Only moderators and players with the rank of Major or higher can use this command.
Find out what serial key is bound to your player account.
Note: Can only be used in a channel lobby.
Displays the current local time.